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Nástroj Otočit otáčí nebo kopíruje vybrané objekty o zadaný úhel kolem bodu v aktuální pracovní rovině. Není-li vybrán žádný objekt, budete vyzváni k výběru objektu.
The command can be used on 2D objects created with the Draft Workbench or Sketcher Workbench, but also on many 3D objects such as those created with the Part Workbench, PartDesign Workbench or BIM Workbench.
Rotating an object around a center point
See also: Draft Snap and Draft Constrain.
The single character keyboard shortcuts available in the task panel can be changed. See Draft Preferences. The shortcuts mentioned here are the default shortcuts (for version 1.0).
See also: Preferences Editor and Draft Preferences.
Nástroj Otočit může být využit v makrech a z konzoly Pythonu použitím následující funkce:
rotated_list = rotate(objectslist, angle, center=Vector(0,0,0), axis=Vector(0,0,1), copy=False)
import FreeCAD as App
import Draft
doc = App.newDocument()
polygon1 = Draft.make_polygon(3, radius=300)
Draft.move(polygon1, App.Vector(1000, 0, 0))
# Rotation around the origin
angle1 = 45
rot2 = Draft.rotate(polygon1, angle1, copy=True)
rot3 = Draft.rotate(polygon1, 2*angle1, copy=True)
rot4 = Draft.rotate(polygon1, 4*angle1, copy=True)
polygon2 = Draft.make_polygon(3, radius=1000)
polygon3 = Draft.make_polygon(5, radius=500)
Draft.move(polygon2, App.Vector(2000, 0, 0))
Draft.move(polygon3, App.Vector(2000, 0, 0))
# Rotation around another point
angle2 = 60
cen = App.Vector(3100, 0, 0)
list2 = [polygon2, polygon3]
rot_list2 = Draft.rotate(list2, angle2, center=cen, copy=True)
rot_list3 = Draft.rotate(list2, 2*angle2, center=cen, copy=True)
rot_list4 = Draft.rotate(list2, 4*angle2, center=cen, copy=True)